First Day of Autumn…

There’s a small pot of magic simmering on the stove. It was made with the recipe along the lines of a witches brew. Two sticks of cinnamon, a hefty dash of ground cloves, two drops of almond extract, 4 drops of vanilla and a couple of pinches of whatever else I thought would make the kitchen smell like Fall. It has worked! The simple doses of cooking spices with regular tap water in a tiny stainless steel pot creates a magical smell. First thought…someone’s baking an apple pie. Yum. I did think about it. But that’s about as far as I got. I also thought about taking Eric for a pumpkin pickin’ adventure.

I also thought about how wonderful it would be to win the lottery.

What I DID do today was laundry. There’s a big shocker. I have no idea how so many clothes end up in that hamper. Perhaps it is with a little magic from the witches brew. That makes more sense than the fact that the three of us and the Weekly Eric load makes that much laundry. Feh. Lucky me, I love to do laundry. I love the smell of clean, warm clothes. Not full of fragrances. Just clean clothes. That’s what I’m all about. And the bleach load….ahhhhh, the smell of clean and germ-free. Yay for the white loads!!

I also investigated some things to do in Hilton Head island. Our next vacation destination. Looks like it will be a relaxing interlude. I kind of like the sound of lush greenery and marshy alligator-filled water just at the edge of our house on stilts. Black skies dotted with faraway stars, lands, fiery orbs in creative shapes like Big Dipper and Little Dipper. Orion’s Belt. Leo the Lion.

Anyway, my day off is almost over. Laundry done. Bills paid. A little computer time. Spongebob creating a mindless jabber on TV. Thinking about dinner and what the heck I’m going to create with those beautiful Italian Eggplants.

By the way, on the way to pay the bill, the song on the radio reminded me….”If you can’t be with the one you want, honey, love the one you’re with.” Today Eric is my love.

Peace out.

and happy birthday Daddy! Thinking of you always.

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